Merbein District Historical Society Inc & Museum
36 Box Street - Entry via Main Avenue door next to the Merbein Library
Open 2pm - 4pm - Thursdays & 3rd Sunday of the Month 2pm - 4 pm
Closed Christmas Day & Public Holidays
36 Box Street - Entry via Main Avenue door next to the Merbein Library
Open 2pm - 4pm - Thursdays & 3rd Sunday of the Month 2pm - 4 pm
Closed Christmas Day & Public Holidays
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4th Tuesday of the month at MDHS Rooms 7.30 pm (excepting Dec & Jan) OFFICIAL OPENING OF 'NEW' MDHS ROOMS IN 2022 On 22 May 2022 at 2pm, the 'new' MDHS rooms were officially opened by the MRCC Deputy Mayor, Cr. Jason Modica. Entry is by the door on Main Avenue next to library. Come and view our amazing displays and browse through our many books which are for sale on Merbein's history. The Society was, from 1997 to 2021, in the Baby Health Centre building on the cnr of Commercial & O'Bryan Streets, Merbein. Meetings 2024![]() bruary 27th
The District's Corner Shops March 26th The Yelta Township and Yelta Mission. MDHS visit to site of Yelta Mission May 19th 2024 April 23rd Merbein's Harold Ball - VFL Footballer & Soldier General Meeting: May 28th ‘Show and Tell’ - members sharing a personal object/photo/letter etc with a Merbein connection. General Meeting: June 25th “I Was There When …” members share personal memories of a significant Merbein/District event (pre 1984). Annual General Meeting: July 23rd & Film of local horticultural interest. Gen. Meeting: August 27th 'Exploring the MDHS Collection' Gen. Meeting: September 24th Early Images of Merbein Football Club No General Meeting: Sunday October 27th 2pm Movie Films Focus on Merbein 1959 Street Parade & Wirths circus visit. (Ian MacWilliams) General Meeting: November 26th 'Merbein Horticultural Inventions'. Christmas Breakup: December 3rd Sunraysia Daily Sat March 2nd 2024
We Collect - We Preserve - We Promote
Merbein & District History The MDHS was established in 1997 and its mission in the community of Merbein and District is to collect, preserve and promote the history of Merbein and District. The Society plays an active role in engaging the community through a range of activities for their members and the wider local community. These activities include monthly meetings, field trips, a quarterly publication, project work, presentations and speaker events. ![]() DECEMBER HISTORIAN IS OUT NOW!!!
Buy the latest December (No 98) Merbein Historian ($5) at the MDHS/Museum Rooms - open every Thursday 2pm - 4pm & on 3rd Sunday of the month 2 - 4pm. Back Copies available at rooms. Current Historian also available at the Merbein Post Office $5. The focus is on the early days of the Merbein Hotel which celebrates its centenary as a licenced premises on Jan 1st 2025. Hopefully the hotel will re-open for this next year!! Other local history books available at the rooms. LISTEN HERE: Hear President, Bernadette Wells', 'potted' history of Merbein and a description of our new rooms at Box Street, local history topics in an interview conducted by Ian McWilliams on Hot FM. Also see unique local film footage!!! |